Sunday, August 07, 2011

Family Shoot l Eaton Park Norwich

When I was asked to photograph six (yes you heard right..six as in half a dozen) children I really was not sure what to expect. The 6 cousins (3 pairs of siblings) included: the twins, Megan and David (14), Jack (9) and Amy (6) and last but not least  Molly (5) and Oliver (21 months). The photographs were to be a special gift for their grandparents :) I had so much fun watching the cousins interact with each other and I could see they really loved one another and enjoy each others company. We had some good laughs along the way as Oliver clearly didn't understand the need to sit still while he could be running around in the park instead - hence when he did sit still the older kids had to pounce into position around him, ready to smile!

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